To Create a Figure Vertex Using a Deflection Distance

Create a figure vertex using a deflection angle and distance. The deflection angle is turned clockwise from the current azimuth. Two or more vertices must exist in the figure to use this command.

To create a figure vertex using a deflection angle and distance

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    FIGURE DEFL-DIST [angle] [distance]

Command Line Example

NE 20 1200 1200

NE 21 1400 1300


PT 20

PT 21

FIG DD -33.3333 91.440

RT -91.440

FIG ZD (AZ 21 20) 60.960


The following illustrates the Figure Deflection Distance command: