The Utility Bar

The Utility Bar contains tools for cloud collaboration, as well as common tools that you will use across many phases of work.

Tools related to the cloud

  1. Sign in to InfraWorks 360 using your Autodesk 360 account to access your Autodesk 360 profile page or set application options.
    Note: indicates that you are not signed-in. shows that you are signed-in.
  2. Discuss your infrastructure design with others using Design Feed.
  3. Publish your model for the first time or sync updates.

Tools that you will need across many phases of your work

  1. Switch active proposals.
  2. Undo.
  3. Redo.
  4. Control visibility, display, and selectability of features with the Model Explorer.
  5. Bookmark locations.
  6. Display your model in full-screen mode.
  7. Switch to edit mode.
  8. Switch to selection mode.
  9. Get help.