To convert a text string to a date string and change its format

Use Date Conversion Functions or Date-Time Operators in the Expression Editor.

Date Options Expressions
Date Conversion Functions

    Use the ToDate or ToString conversion functions to convert a text property that contains date or time information into a date value

  • These functions support a variety of formats for the resulting date strings.
Date-Time Operators Insert standard date and time formats
  • When you insert a date-time property from the Get Values panel into your expression, that value uses a Date-Time operator. If you are an advanced user, you can also add one of these operators to an expression if you know its FDO syntax.
  • The Date-Time operators are parsed using the standard SQL literal strings:
    • TIME 'HH:MM:SS[.sss]'

To convert a text string to a date string

  1. Open the Expression Editor. See To create an expression for more information.
  2. Select the ToDate Conversion function.
  3. In the ToDate function, do one of the following:
    • Within the parentheses, type a property name.
    • Click Property. In the Property list, select the property to convert.

      Select a text property that represents a date value.

  4. Optionally, specify the Date format.
  5. Specify any further conditions for the expression.

    For help with any expression element, see Creating Expressions - Reference.

  6. Click OK to apply the expression.