Function Reference

When you create an expression for geospatial features, you can use the following types of functions:

Type of function Definition Example
Mathematical Functions Trigonometric, exponential, log, and other functions Absolute value, modulus, remainder, square root, logarithmic operators, exponent
Numeric Functions Functions that round off, truncate, or find the sign of a numeric value Ceiling, Floor, Round, Truncate
Text Functions Functions that operate on text strings Concatenate, pad, or trim the left or right side of a string, specify the length or position of a string
Date Functions Functions that operate on date values Specify the current date, find the result of adding months to a date
Geometric Functions Functions that operate on geometry Calculates the length of lines, area and perimeters of polygons
Conversion Functions Functions that convert strings from one format to another Convert a numeric or text string to a double-precision, floating-point number.