Unlike AutoCAD and Mechanical Desktop, which maintain one file with multiple types of data, Autodesk Inventor maintains data in multiple associated files.
Autodesk Inventor also maintains presentation files (.ipn) that contain definitions for exploded assemblies and specialized assembly views, plus iFeature files (.ide) that contain iFeatures definitions.
Related files are associated to each other. When you change a file, its dependent files are updated. For example, when you change an assembly, drawing views and presentations of that assembly update automatically.
You can translate files from other CAD systems for use in Autodesk Inventor (See Parts from other CAD systems).
If you do not require AutoCAD objects to be translated (imported) into Autodesk Inventor objects, you can directly open any AutoCAD DWG (.dwg) file in Autodesk Inventor, and then view, plot, and measure the file contents. Objects display exactly as they do in AutoCAD. In addition, all the 2D AutoCAD data is selectable for copy and paste. You can open an AutoCAD DWG (.dwg) file in Autodesk Inventor, and then copy and paste AutoCAD entities into any Autodesk Inventor sketch.
For more information, see Use your AutoCAD geometry.