From within an assembly which contains sheet metal components, you can add sheet metal fasteners using one of two methods:
Use sheet metal fasteners in bolted connection
The bolted connection generator supports the use of self-clinching nuts in bolted connections involving sheet metal components.
- Specify the placement of a bolted connection using the steps defined here and begin populating the bolted connection.
- Select the appropriate bolt (or screw) and washers.
- To select a sheet metal nut, click the: Click to add a fastener text. In the selection dialog box, select the All option selected in the Standard drop-down menu and Sheet Metal Nuts in the Category drop-down menu. Click to select a sheet metal nut.
- Finish populating the bolted connection and click OK.
Note: The bolted connection generator does not support the creation of connections using studs or standoffs. Refer to the placement of these types of fasteners from the Content Center as discussed in the following section.
Place sheet metal fasteners from content center
- On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Component panel Place from Content Center .
- Under the PEM category, navigate to a sheet metal fastener family.
- Select a component by performing one of the following:
- Select a component family and click OK.
- Double-click a family.
- Select the appropriate class and size of component to place.
- Click OK to return to your assembly with the selected component attached to your cursor.
- Select a location within your assembly and click to place the sheet metal fastener.