File Naming dialog box

Change or redefine the Display name and File name for Design Accelerator components and features.

On the ribbon, click the Design tab. Open any generator or calculator and click File Naming.
Specify the name of Design Accelerator components displayed in the browser and their file name location.
Note: The following characters cannot be used in the file name scheme: \ / : * ? " < > | & { } [ ] %.
If an item is gray, it is not available for change.
Display name
Specifies the name of a component, such as Bolted connection1, for example. The name can contain letters, numbers, or any symbol.
File name
Specifies the folder where a component is stored.
Always prompt for filename
When selected, prompts for newly inserted Design Accelerator file name and display name after you click Apply or OK. A dialog box is displayed with default names and file locations. You can accept the default or enter new names. The file naming cell enables a browse command.

During edit, the dialog box is displayed only if you added a new component, for example, a new pulley using the V-Belts Generator.

Note: If you cancel, name changes and the Design accelerator components are created with default names.