Place a cut or embossed shape in a sheet metal face
The punch tool must have a sketch with a single center mark defined. The sheet metal face must have a sketch with one or more unconsumed center marks.
- On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab
Modify panel
Punch Tool
- In the Punch Tool Directory dialog box, browse to a folder containing punch shapes, and click a punch shape.
The dialog box shows a preview of the selected punch shape.
- Click Open to select the punch shape.
The Punch Tool Directory dialog box closes, and the Punch Tool dialog box opens.
Note: The punched shape must be a solid feature. However, punch tools can define alternative sketch representations that you can display when you view the sheet metal part as a flat pattern.
- In the Punch Tool dialog box, specify whether to apply the punch across a bend. You can control this option on each of the tabs.
- In the graphics area, if more than one center point exists in your sketch, hold down CTRL as you click any locations where you do not want punch placements.
Note: To realign the model for easier selection, use View Face on the View tab.
- On the Geometry tab, specify an angle to rotate the punch relative to the face (if required).
- If there is unresolved geometry listed, select the condition from the dialog box list. Then click the sheet metal face, and use appropriate commands to resolve.
- On the Size tab, double-click a parameter value to change it, if necessary.
- Click Finish to punch the shape into the sheet metal face.