Export flat pattern

Export a flat pattern of a sheet metal model to SAT, DWG, or DXF file types.

Start with an existing flat pattern.

  1. In the browser, right-click the icon for the flat pattern and then click Save Copy As.
  2. Browse to the folder where you want to save the part, and in File Name, enter a name.
  3. In Save as Type, specify SAT, DWG, or DXF file type.
  4. Click Save.

Export flat pattern to DXF

Export to DXF format for direct use by CNC machine tools, which often require specific geometry type and layer locations. For best results, know the requirements of your individual machine tools.

  1. Follow the steps to export a flat pattern, choosing the DXF file type. When you click Save, the Flat Pattern DXF Export Options dialog box displays
  2. On the dialog box, click the option buttons to select which DXF file version to output.
    Tip: Most machine tools want data in R12 format.
  3. Optionally, select Customize DWG/DXF and choose a previously defined *.xml file containing specific output formatting.
  4. On the Layer Options tab, click the light bulb icon to turn off the layers you do not want to export. When the bulb is yellow, the layer exports. Different object types map to named layers. To edit the layer name, click it in the dialog box, and enter a change. The edited name is saved when you use Save Configuration.
    • Not all machine tools want all of the available layers.
    • Pay attention to the front and back attribution. Certain punches strike from the front or back and do not apply to the file you are exporting.
    • Inner profiles are shapes created using a cut feature and can represent laser or water jet cut paths. Feature profiles are shapes created using punch tools. Depending on the machine tool you target, consider using these layers separately.
  5. On the Geometry Options tab, you can modify the type, tolerance, and coordinate quadrant for the exported geometry.
    Tip: Many machine tools expect the external profile of a flat pattern to be represented as a polyline. Some machine tools expect all XY geometry to have a positive sign (for example, exist within first quadrant).Check the requirements of your target machine.
  6. Click OK to export your geometry.
Note: To reuse the configuration of a file type, layer, and geometry options, save all of the selections you made in this dialog box. Click Save Configuration, and enter a meaningful name. Later, when you export DXF for the same machine tool, select this configuration file.