iProperties dialog box - Occurrence tab

Controls characteristics for an individual occurrence of a component in an assembly. Specifies whether the component is visible, enabled, adaptive, grounded, or displays degrees of freedom. Sets occurrence name, appearance, and offset from parent assembly origin.

In the browser, right-click a part or subassembly, select iProperties, and then click the Occurrence tab.
Shows the default name of the occurrence. May be replaced with a custom name.
Note: An occurrence name can also be changed in the browser (but the part name remains unchanged).
Sets the default properties for the selected occurrence. Click the check box next to the appropriate setting to select it.
Note: Except for Appearance, characteristics can also be set from the context menu.
Specifies whether the occurrence is visible in the graphics window. Default is On (checked). Clear the check mark to turn visibility Off.
Specifies whether the occurrence can be selected for editing. Default is On. Clear the check mark to change occurrence to Not Enabled, which excludes it from being edited.
Degrees of Freedom
Specifies whether Degrees of Freedom are shown for the occurrence. Default is Off. Click the check box to display the Degrees of Freedom symbol.
iMate Glyph Visibility
Specifies whether iMate glyphs are visible. Default is On (checked). Clear the check box to turn the glyphs Off.
Assembly Dependencies
Shows whether an occurrence depends on another part or parts in the assembly. A reference sketch, for example, can have geometry that depends on another part or parts in an assembly for its definitions.
Specifies whether the occurrence is adaptive. One occurrence controls the adaptive status of all occurrences in an assembly. Default is Off (not checked). Click the check box to make the occurrence adaptive. Adaptive occurrences cannot be flexible or participate in a contact set.

A part made adaptive in one assembly resizes all occurrences of that part in other assemblies.

Specifies whether the subassembly occurrence is flexible. Each occurrence can have child components positioned independently within the context of the parent assembly. Default is Off (not checked). Click the check box to make the occurrence flexible.

A subassembly cannot be adaptive and flexible at the same time. A part cannot be made flexible.

Specifies whether the occurrence is grounded (all degrees of freedom removed). Default is Off. Click the check box to ground the component.
Contact Set
Specifies whether the occurrence participates in a contact set. The default setting is turned off (not se;ected).
Specifies whether the occurrence is used for reference only. Default is Off. Click the check box to use the component for reference only and exclude it from the drawing parts list.
BOM Structure
Sets or removes an instance based override to the BOM Structure iProperty. When Default is selected, there is no override and the instance uses the BOM Structure Document Setting. When Reference is selected, an override is set on the instance.
Sets the appearance of the occurrence. Default is As Material (material is defined at the part level).
Current Offset from Parent Assembly Origin
Shows the x, y, z coordinates and angle of the occurrence relative to the assembly origin. Individual offset values can be set, but they are temporary if the occurrence is not grounded. The values are reset when an ungrounded occurrence is moved, rotated, or constrained to a grounded component.

When the Flexible property is On, a flexible occurrence is offset relative to its immediate parent, not the top-level assembly or the component being edited.