Hem sheet metal face

Fold or roll a sheet metal edge.

  1. On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab Create panel Hem .
  2. On the drop-down list, click a hem type: Single, Teardrop, Rolled, or Double.
  3. In Shape:
    • Choose the face Edge. Optionally, click Flip Direction.
    • Accept the default values set by the active sheet metal style, or enter a value for the hem Gap and Length, or Radius and Angle, depending on the type of hem specified.
  4. To specify Extents, click More. On the drop-down list, click an option:
    • Edge Creates the hem on the selected edge.
    • Width Sets an offset from a start point, and a hem width.
    • Offset Sets offsets for hem start and endpoints from selected points or planar faces intersecting the selected edge.
    • From/To Starts and ends the hem from selected points or planar faces intersecting the selected edge.
    On the drpop-down list, you can use Measure, Show Dimensions, or Parameter List to obtain a value from the model.
  5. Click OK, or click Apply to add more hems.
Note: If the default bend or fold settings are not appropriate, override the values for an individual hem using the Unfold Options tab or the Bend tab. See: