Manage Content Center libraries by using the server console
Use the server console to create, attach, import, export, detach, and delete Content Center libraries, and to change a library status.
Administrative tasks are performed on the computer hosting the Content Center libraries by using the Server Console. You must have administrator permissions to change the library configuration on the server.
Tip: To run the server console, choose Start



Autodesk Data Management

Autodesk Data Management Server Console [version].
Create a library
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand the root, and right-click the Libraries entry.
- Choose Create Library from the menu.
- Enter the library name in the Create library dialog box, and click OK.
- A new library is created.
By default, the new library is read/write. To change the status of a user-created library, right-click on the library, and select Read Only.
Attach a library
You can attach a library to the server, if the library is saved at the same folder as the existing libraries. If the library you want to add is saved in a different folder the library must be imported.
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand the root, and right-click the Libraries entry.
- Choose Attach Library from the menu.
- The Available MDF Files dialog box displays all available Libraries that may be attached.
- Select the Library you want to attach, and click OK.
Tip: Use Attach to reattach a library you have already detached.
Import a library
Note: For more information on the libraries see the
Autodesk Data Management Server (version) Implementation Guide. The guide is installed as a PDF in Program Files


ADMS [version]

Scenario example: A vendor has created content for your use and has copied the .mdf and .ldf files to a CD. Use the Import command to copy these files from the CD to the location of the server on the computer hosting the libraries.
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand the root, and right-click the Libraries entry.
- Choose Import Library from the menu.
- Click Browse to find and select the .mdf file. The .ldf file is imported automatically.
- If appropriate, enter a name for the Library in the Library Name text field, and click OK.
Detach a library
Use the Detach command to remove a library from the library server configuration. The detached library is not deleted and can be attached later.
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand the root and the Libraries folder, and right-click the library to detach.
- Choose Detach from the menu.
- Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to detach the library from the server.
Delete a library
Use the Delete command to delete a library from the memory storage. If you want only to remove the library from the library server, use the Detach command.
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand the root and the Libraries folder, and right-click the library to delete.
- Choose Delete from the menu.
- Click OK in the confirmation dialog box to delete the library from the server.
Change the status of a user-created library
You can change the status only for user-created Content Center libraries. The libraries installed by default with Autodesk Inventor Content Center are read-only, and the status cannot be changed.
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand the root and the Libraries folder, and right-click the library to edit the status.
- Select Read Only from the menu to set the library to be read-only. Unselect Read Only to set the library to be read/write.
Note: The icon displayed in front of the library name indicates the library status.
Copy a library to a partition
Use the Copy command to copy a library from one partition to another.
Note: To support Side-by-Side installation, the Autodesk server maintains Content Center libraries that were built for different Autodesk Inventor versions. Libraries are saved in the corresponding Partition of the Autodesk server. Libraries in Autodesk Inventor 2008 partition are used by Autodesk Inventor 2008 with Client Update patch. Libraries in Autodesk Inventor 2009 partition are used by Autodesk Inventor 2009 with Client Update patch. Libraries in Autodesk Inventor 2010 partition are used by Autodesk Inventor 2010.
- Run the server console.
- In the server console window, expand Libraries, and right-click the library to copy.
- Choose Copy from the menu.
- In the Copy Library dialog box, enter the display name, and choose OK. The library is copied into Autodesk Inventor 2015 partition.
Note: Legacy user libraries are imported into Autodesk Inventor 2008 or 2009 partition. To use legacy libraries in Autodesk Inventor 2015, you must copy them into the Autodesk Inventor 2015 partition on the server, and then update them by using the Update Tool. For more information, see the Update Content Center libraries procedure.