Application Options - File tab

Sets the locations for files that Autodesk Inventor uses for various functions.

Default install locations




\Program Files


OptionsFile tab.


Specifies the location of the temporary file that tracks changes to a model or drawing so that actions can be undone. To change the location, enter the new path or click Browse to search for and select the path.

Note: To set the size of the undo file, set the option on the Options General tab.
Default templates

Configure Default Templates Opens Configure Default Templates dialog box, where you specify the default Measurement Units and Drawing Standards.

Displays the default location of template files that Autodesk Inventor uses to create new files. To change the location, enter the new path or click Browse to search for and select the path.

Note: The project file can overwrite the location of the template files. (Click Manage Projects. To see the location, look in the Project File Editor, Folder Options section.)
Design Data (Styles, etc.)

Specifies the location of external files that the system uses, such as thread tables and default styles. Enter the path to the files, or click Browse to search for and select the path.

Note: The Folder Options settings of the project file use the Application Options Design Data folder. You can specify a different folder.
Default Content Center files

Specifies the default storage folder for parts placed from Content Center as standard parts. To change the location, enter the new path or click Browse to search for and select the path.

Note: In the project, you can override the default location of content center parts . Click Manage Projects. See the location in the Project File Editor, Folder Options section.
Projects folder

Specifies the folder that contains shortcuts to project files. When you create a project file, a shortcut is added to this folder. Enter the full path to the folder, or click Browse to find the folder.

Note: If you change the Projects folder after you create projects, add the shortcuts for existing projects. If you do not add them, they do not display in the list in the Projects dialog box.
Default VBA project

Specifies the location and name of the default Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) project file. When you use Autodesk Inventor, it accesses the VBA project and makes the macros available as you work.

If the specified file does not exist, it is created the first time you use Autodesk Inventor's VBA functionality.

Team WEB
Specifies the location and name of the default URL or file launched by Team Web. Configure Team Web to:
  • Link to the HTML page of your choice
  • Link to help topics on your intranet
  • Link directly to Inventor web based tutorials

Make Team Web the default page in My Home When selected, displays the specified Team Web page as the My Home start screen.

Access Team Web from Getting Started Launch panel Team Web .

File Open

Opens the File Open Options dialog box. Set the representation that is loaded by default, unless specified by the Options command from the Open dialog box.

Texture folder

Specifies the location for textures.

Quick File Open

To accelerate file open times of the designated assembly, use the available cache to keep the participating files in memory.

Enable Quick File Open When selected, uses available cache memory. Clear the selection to disable storing files in the cache.

Cache the last opened assembly file When selected, stores the last active assembly file in the available cache.

Cache files of the selected assembly When selected, specifies the assembly to store in the available cache. Browse to the assembly file.