Draw three-point rectangle using dynamic input

  1. In Sketch mode, on the ribbon Sketch tab Create Panel, click Rectangle Three Point .
  2. In the graphics window, pick a starting point for the first diagonal corner of the rectangle. When Pointer Input is on, the X and Y starting values for the first point display.
  3. The first value input box highlights. Enter a value for the length of the rectangle, and press TAB. The field displays a lock icon to indicate that the value you entered constrains the cursor.
  4. The second value input box highlights. Enter a value for the angle of the rectangle, and press ENTER.
  5. The third value input box highlights. Enter a value for the height of the rectangle, and press ENTER.
  6. The rectangle is drawn at the angle specified, and dimensioned automatically using the X and Y values you entered.

  7. Continue drawing rectangles, or press ESC to terminate the Rectangle Three Point command.
Note: Regardless of the Head-Up Display (HUD) settings, the length, and height of rectangles are always drawn using X and Y Cartesian coordinates.