- Access
Inspect tab
Analysis panel
Sets or modifies the name of the analysis. The first saved analysis is named CrossSection1 by default.
- Simple
- Provides a cutaway view of the part at a single section plane, similar to Slice Graphics in 2D sketches.
- Advanced
- Provides more detailed information about any number of section planes, including wall thickness analysis and area physical property calculations.
- Simple
- Section Plane
- Plane
- Selects a planar face or work plane to start the plane definition.
- Direction
- Sets the side that is sectioned.
- Section Offset
- Sets the value to offset from the selected plane. Click and drag the plane in the graphics window to set the value dynamically.
- Advanced
- Section Planes
- Determines the method for creating and positioning the sections. Also sets a range for thickness.
- Select
- Allows selection of multiple work planes and planar faces to define the orientation of analysis cross sections.
- Create
- Allows selection of one planar face or work plane, which is offset at a specified count and spacing to define the orientation of parallel analysis cross sections.
- Select button
- The selection defines the orientation of analysis cross sections.
- Click the check box to distribute the section planes on both sides of the original plane.
- Flip reverses direction of the sections.
- Number of sections
- Specifies the number of sections to use in the analysis. Information on each section appears as a row on the Results tab.
- Section spacing
- Specifies the distance between sections, depending on the selected section spacing method. If Distance is selected, it specifies the total distance the sections is to cover. If Spacing is selected, it defines the spacing between sections.
- Section spacing method
- Distance distributes the sections evenly across the specified distance. The spacing is calculated.
Spacing defines the spacing between sections. The total distance occupied by the sections is calculated.
- Wall Thickness
Sets the minimum and maximum thickness to use for the analysis.
- Column Chooser
- Allows customization of Results fields. Adding any of the physical properties columns enables the visibility of the centroid glyph for each section.
- Calculate
- Generates the table for the Results tab and corresponding cross section graphics in the graphics window. Also recomputes the cross section analysis to update out-of-date sections.
- Export
- Exports the table to tab-delimited text file, which can be imported into Microsoft Excel.
- Results
- Displays information on each section of the analysis, including wall thickness information and area physical properties calculations (Centroid, Moments of Inertia, and so on). Sections that violate the minimum or maximum thickness are displayed in the corresponding row color. Each section marked as visible in the results table corresponds to a visible crosshatched section of the part. Click a row in the table to highlight the corresponding section in the graphics window.
The row colors and descriptions includes analysis of the physical properties of the sections (for example, Moments of Inertia).
- Yellow
- Section is within the minimum and maximum thickness
- Red
- Section contains areas above the maximum thickness.
- Blue
- Section contains areas below the minimum thickness.
- Purple
- Section contains areas both above and below the maximum and minimum thickness, respectively.
- Gray
- Section is not visible and is out-of-date . Sections become out of date if the model is changed since the computed analysis.
- Next Section
- Moves the row selection up or down in the table.
- Show All
- Specifies if all sections are visible.
- Show Violating
- Specifies if all sections that violate the minimum or maximum thickness are visible in the graphics.
- Hide All
- Specifies if all sections are invisible.