Control wall thickness between Boss and part body

In this example, we achieve a constant thickness wall at the intersection between a feature and the part. A constant thickness wall is often a requirement of molded plastic products.

  1. On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab Show Panel icon . Select Plastic Part panel to display the Plastic Part panel, and then select Rule Fillet .
  2. Set the Source to Feature and select the Boss. Set the Rule to Against Part. Clear the All Rounds option. Enter a suitable fillet for the outside of the part.
  3. “Click to add” another rule. Set the Source to Feature and select the same Boss. Set the Rule to Against Part. This time clear the All Fillets option. Enter a radius which is equal to the one entered in the previous rule augmented by the part thickness.
  4. Click OK. The Rule fillet is finished and the part has a constant thickness at the intersection Boss-part body.