Create multi edge sheet metal flange using Auto-miter

Add a flange to a sheet metal face using multiple edges.

  1. On the ribbon, click Sheet Metal tab Create panel Flange .
  2. The Edge Select Mode is active. Select multiple edges to receive flanges using the values you enter.

    The flanges preview along the edges selected using default parameters. Flanges that share a common corner automatically show a full or partial miter.

    Note: If adjacent flanges do not preview with miter corners, verify that Apply Auto-mitering is selected on the Flange dialog box, Corner tab.
  3. Modify any of the flange parameters. These parameters apply to each flange you create.
  4. Click OK, or click Apply to add more flanges.
  5. Note: Flanges that are not coplanar also auto-miter.
Note: Flange miters are created when the selected edges are both coplanar and nonparallel.