Create member file when placing iPart or iAssembly

Select an iPart factory or member file for placement in an assembly

  1. On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Component panel Place .
  2. In the Open dialog box, browse to locate the iPart or iAssembly factory and click Open.
  3. In the Place Standard iPart dialog box, click the Table Tab.
  4. A New row is added at the top of the table. Click in the Member column of the row and enter a new name. When you enter a value in a cell, other table members are filtered. Only the members that match display.
  5. In each column, enter values to differentiate the new member from other members, and then click New Row.
  6. Select the member you want to place, and click in the graphics window.
  7. Continue to place instances of the member, or select another member. Continue to place members, and then right-click and select Done.
  8. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.