Sheet metal parts have style parameters that describe their characteristics and how they are manufactured. These parameters are captured within a named Sheet Metal Rule (for example: 10 gage stainless steel or 16 gage anodized aluminum) which is applied by default when you create a new sheet metal part.
Sheet Metal Rules are created and managed using the
Style and Standard Editor and can be stored locally within the active file or globally within a shared styles library. Sheet metal rules capture the following:
- Complete material definition
- Bend relief shape and size
- Bend radius value
- Bend transition type
- Gap value
- 2-bend corner relief type and size
- 3-bend corner relief type and size
- Unfolding rules
- Flat pattern punch representation definition
- Flat pattern bend angle measurement option
Use Sheet Metal Defaults on the Setup panel of the Sheet Metal tab to change the options and parameters for the active sheet metal part from those options defined by the selected Sheet Metal Rule.
Note: Although these options and parameters are defined for the entire part by the Sheet Metal Rule, you can override bend relief, corner relief, and unfold methods on individual features during feature creation. While each of these options can be modified (to differ from the active style) when creating or editing a sheet metal feature, the Style and Standard Editor must be used to edit shared styles.
Note: Any changes that are made to a style from the style library must be saved to the style library if they are to be available to other users of that style.
Sheet Metal Defaults dialog box allows you to:
- Select a Sheet Metal Rule
- Optionally, use the sheet thickness defined by the Sheet Metal Rule or manually enter a sheet thickness that differs from the rule
- Select a material type that differs from the material specified by the Sheet Metal Rule
- Access the Material Editor to make edits to a material
- Select an Unfolding Rule that differs from the Unfolding Rule specified by the Sheet Metal Rule
- Access the Style and Standard Editor to make edits to an Unfolding Rule