Edit Punch Note dialog box


Right-click a punch note, and select Edit Punch Note from the menu.

Edit Field

Edits the punch note text. Edit the text manually, or in Values and Symbols, click a value or symbol to add a punch parameter or symbol.

Note: To stack text, type a correct stacking sequence, select it, right-click and choose Stack.

Inserts the Punch ID parameter in the text field.

Inserts the Punch Direction parameter in the text field.

Inserts the Punch Angle parameter in the text field.

Inserts the Punch Depth parameter in the text field.

Inserts the Quantity Note property in the text field.

Selects a symbol from the list to add it to the punch note.

Opens the Precision and Tolerance dialog box so you can add tolerance information to values included in notes.

Opens the Quantity Note dialog box so you can change the display of the quantity note property.

Part Units

Check the box to use model units. Remove the check mark to use the measurement units specified by Dimension Style.