Make a reverse copy of one or more features, the entire solid, or a new body at equal distances across a plane.
To begin, create one or more
to mirror. Create a
work plane
to serve as the mirror plane, or identify an existing
planar face
- On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab Pattern panel Mirror .
- In the Mirror dialog box, click Mirror Individual Features.
- Click Features, and then, in the graphics window or the browser, select one or more features.
- Click Mirror Plane, and then select a work plane or planar face.
- In a multibody part, select Solid, and then choose the solid body to receive the mirror feature.
- To choose an optional creation method, click More:
- Optimized Create mirrored occurrences that are direct copies of the original features.
- Identical Create identical mirrored features, regardless of termination. Calculates faster than the Adjust method.
- Adjust Terminate features on model planes. If it encounters a planar face, the mirrored feature terminates, and can result in a feature with a size and shape different from the original.