The Shrinkwrap command creates a part from an existing assembly. The shrinkwrap part is a simplified version of the source assembly that can provide a significant reduction in file size in consuming assemblies or applications. Use the hole and geometry removal tools to help protect intellectual property. The default method creates a single surface composite. A surface composite is the fastest method and creates the smallest file of the three options.
Assembly Shrinkwrap Options
Whole parts only Parts which meet the visibility criteria are removed. Individual faces which meet the visibility criteria are not removed.
Parts and faces Removes any face including entire parts which meet the visibility criteria. The default setting is on.
Visibility percentage A value of zero removes all parts or faces that are not visible in any view. Increasing the slider value removes more parts and faces.
Ignore surface features for visibility detection Available if Remove geometry by visibility is enabled. If enabled, surface features do not affect visibility detection. If not enabled, surface features participate in visibility detection and can hide geometry.
Remove parts by size Select to enable the option to remove parts based on the size ratio. The ratio indicates the difference between the part bounding box and the assembly bounding box.
All Removes all holes that do not cross surface boundaries. Holes do not need to be round to be included. It is the default setting.
Range Specifies the circumference or perimeter of the holes to include or exclude. Holes do not need to be round to be included.
Sketches When selected, any visible and unconsumed 2D or 3D sketch in the component are exported and can be derived.
iMates When selected, any iMates defined in the source assembly are exported and can be derived.
Parameters When selected, any parameters in the source assembly are exported and can be derived. The Parameters folder includes a subfolder that contains folders from the Parameters dialog box. The Parameters and Export Objects dialog boxes share the same parameter statuses.