Work axis reference

Ribbon: 3D Model tab Work Features panel Axis

In a part, you can create a work axis in-line while using another work feature command. The Work Axis command terminates as soon as the work point is created.

Tip: To understand geometric dependencies, right-click a work feature in the browser or the graphics window, and then select Show Inputs. For example, you can right-click a work point to highlight the geometry from which it was created, such as a work axis and a work plane.

Axis drop-down menu options:

Axis: (legacy method)
  • Select: Appropriate edges, lines, planes, or points to define a work axis.
  • Result: Creates a work axis through the selected objects.
On Line or Edge
  • Select:A linear edge. 2D and 3D sketch lines can also be selected.
  • Result: Creates a work axis collinear with the selected linear edge or sketch line.
Parallel to Line through Point
  • Select: An endpoint, midpoint, sketch point, or work point. Then select a linear edge or sketch line.
  • Result: Creates a work axis parallel to the selected linear edge, through the point.
Through Two Points
  • Select: Two endpoints, intersections, midpoints, sketch points, or work points. You cannot select midpoints in an assembly.
  • Result: Creates a work axis through the selected points, with its positive direction oriented in the direction from the first point to the second point.
Intersection of Two Planes
  • Select: Two nonparallel work planes or planar faces.
  • Result: Creates a work axis coincident with the intersection of the planes.
Normal to Plane through Point
  • Select: A planar face or work plane and a point.
  • Result: Creates a work axis perpendicular to the selected plane, through the point.
Through Center of Circular or Elliptical Edge
  • Select: A circular or elliptical edge. Fillet edges can also be selected.
  • Result:Creates a work axis coincident with the circular, elliptical, or fillet axis.
Through Revolved Face or Feature
  • Select: A revolved face or feature.
  • Result: Creates a work axis coincident with the face or feature axis.