Delete a freeform body, edge or point

Use Delete to refine the model to get the shape you are looking for. For example, the more you subdivide the freeform body the more square it gets. If want a more rounded shape, delete points and edges.

To delete pre-selected edges and points:

  1. Select one or more points and/or edges in the graphics window. Press the SHIFT key to make multiple selections.
  2. Delete the selection by either:
    • On the ribbon, click Freeform panel Delete . If necessary, click the drop-down menu to access Delete.
    • Right-click in the graphics window and select Delete from the content menu.

To delete using the Freeform Delete dialog box:

  1. On the ribbon, click Freeform panel Delete . If necessary, click the drop-down menu to access Delete.
  2. Select a filter:
    • Select the Points and Edges filter to delete points and edges from a freeform body.
    • Select the Body filter to delete a freeform body.
  3. Select objects to delete in the graphics window.
  4. Click OK.