Trim surface features by selecting a cutting tool and the surface areas to remove.
- On the ribbon, click 3D Model tab
Surface panel
- Select the Cutting tool, and then click the geometry to use as the cutting tool:
- Surface quilt
- Single part face (from the part solid body or a surface body)
- Single, nonintersecting path composed of 2D sketch curves
- Work plane
- Click the Remove to indicate the areas to remove. The areas to remove include any surface body that intersects the cutting tool. All the surface bodies that intersect with the cutting tool are considered to indicate the areas to remove. The first selection sets the surface body. Subsequent areas to remove are limited to that same body.
- To remove more areas than you want to keep, select the area to keep, and then click Invert Selection to reverse the selection set.
To add or remove from the selection set, hold down CTRL and click the surface body.
- Click OK.
Note: A single trim feature acts only on a single surface body.
Note: Pattern, Mirror, and Derived are supported like a fillet feature when patterned with the parent feature.