To Change the Color of Blocks

When you use the Color option of the Set Property Alterations dialog box, the colors of objects change to the color you specify. However, if the queried objects include blocks whose color is set to BYLAYER, the objects in the block retain their original color. To have them use the color you specify, change the block color to BYBLOCK.

To change the block color in your current drawing

  1. Use the INSERT command to add another instance of the block.
  2. Explode the new block.
  3. At the Command prompt, enter chprop

    Select objects: Select the objects in the exploded block

    Enter property to change (Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness)? C

    Enter new color <varies>: BYBLOCK

    Enter property to change (Color/LAyer/LType/ltScale/LWeight/Thickness)?

    Press Enter

  4. Redefine the block with the BLOCK command and select the objects in the exploded block.