Use this dialog box to convert object data in your drawing to external data.
Do either of the following:
AutoCAD Map 3D reads each selected object and creates a new record in the external database table. If an object has multiple records from the object data table, AutoCAD Map 3D creates multiple records in the external database table. AutoCAD Map 3D also generates a database link to connect the object to the record in the new database table.
You can leave the object data in the drawing or remove the object data from the objects as each record is created.
When you are finished with this dialog box, click Proceed.
Select the object data table to convert or link. Select an object data table defined in the current drawing. To work with object data tables in attached drawings, open those drawings directly.
Select the object data table from the list.
Delete the object data currently associated with the object.
Select an option and click Define to specify the link template.
Convert object data to records in a database and link objects to the new data.
Link objects with attached object data to records in a database table using key fields.
Specify the link template to identify the database table.
Specify how to select objects, and whether to select all objects or only objects on specific AutoCAD layers.
Use all objects, unless Filter On Layers is selected.
Select individual objects. Click Select to pick them in the map.
Search all layers, or click Layers to select from a list of AutoCAD layers in the current drawing.