Create Data Store dialog box

Use this dialog box to create a new data store in a database data source. The available settings in the dialog box vary by provider.

Data Store Name

Enter the name of the new data store or accept the default name. This name will appear in the Data Connections by Provider list in Data Connect.


Enter the user password (if required by this provider).

Confirm password

Re-enter the user password.


Optionally enter a description of the new feature source.

Data store coordinate system

Enter the coordinate system code for the new data store. If you don’t know the code, click to select a coordinate system.

In the Select Global Coordinate System dialog box, select a category. Select from a list of available coordinate systems. Click Properties to view the properties of the selected coordinate system. Click OK. Choose a coordinate system that both the provider and AutoCAD Map 3D support.

Data store extents

Enter the new data store’s minimum and maximum X and Y spatial extents or accept the default values. You can’t add objects that are outside these extents.

For SQL Server, you must specify the extents of the data store or Bulk Copy will fail when copying data from any other provider source to SQL Server.

MySQL and Oracle support expanding the extents automatically if incoming data are beyond the scope of the extents.

Storage resolution

Enter the new data store’s X and Y tolerance or accept the default value. If the distance between two points is smaller than the resolution, the points are considered to be equivalent for most spatial tests.

Data store tablespace

Enter the new data store’s tablespace name (if required by this provider).

Use FDO Enabled Schema

Specify whether the new data store will be FDO-enabled or not. FDO-enabled data stores include additional FDO metadata, but otherwise use native SQL Server schema capabilities.