Documentation Changes in 3ds Max 2012

This topic discusses the changes made to the MAXScript Reference for the 2012 release of 3ds Max. See also What is New in MAXScript in 3ds Max 2012.

New Authoring System - New Reference Format

If you are an existing customer, you have surely noticed that this version of the MAXScript Reference is significantly different. The complete documentation of all Autodesk products has been moved to a unified piblishing system based on XML source which should provide significant improvements to both the end users and the documentation developers in the long run.

Here are some of the benefits it brings:

Currently, there are also a number of limitations compared to the previous CHM format of the MAXScript Reference:

What To Expect

The source conversion process preserved the majority of the content including text paragraphs, examples and images, but nearly all formatting was lost or damaged and required laborious re-editing by hand or using custom scripts (written in MAXScript, of course!).

Despite the significant effort which went into restoring the look and usability of the document, it is likely that not all of the over 4200 topics have been completely fixed. In particular, there have been significant glitches in the location of space characters within the text. In some cases, words in text paragraphs or keywords in code examples could be written together as one word, or the space could be shifted, eventually affecting the meaning of the text, or breaking the example code.

While the majority of these problems have been fixed, this could not be done automatically so there still can be glitches hiding within the documentation. If you discover a misformatted sentence or a code example, please submit a report to Autodesk using the Feedback link at the bottom of the topic. Thank you in advance!

Removed Sections and Topics

The following parts of the MAXScript Reference have been removed from the 2012 build: