HairEffect : RenderEffect

HairEffect - superclass: renderEffect; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(988153529, 337462665) 

The HairEffect RenderEffect available since 3ds Max 8 is responsible for the rendering of the hair.





theHair = HairEffect()--create an instance of the effect
addEffect theHair--add to the listin theEffects dialog
--Adding a Hair WSM to a scene object willadd
--a HairEffect to the list automatically!
--Thus,you can simply get the existing one:
addModifier $Sphere01 (HairMod())--add Hair WSM to Sphere01
--At this point, if no HairEffect exists in the Effects dialog,
--it will be added automatically. Let's find it by going through
--all effects by index and asking each one for its class:
theEffects = for i = 1 to numEffects where\
classof getEffect i == HairEffectcollect(getEffect i)
--At this point we should have at least one HairEffect.
--Let's take the first one:
if theEffects.count > 0 do theHair = theEffects[1]


Hair Rendering Options

<HairEffect>.hairMode Integer default: 1 -- integer; Hair_Mode   

Get/set the Hair Rendering Mode.

Possible values are:

1- buffer(default)

2- geometry

3- MR prim


<HairEffect>.lightingMode Integer default: 1 -- integer; Lighting_Param 

Get/set the Hair Lighting Mode.

Possible values are:

0 -emulation

1 - native(default)


<HairEffect>.mrVoxelRes Integer default: 5 -- integer; mr_Voxel_Res 

Get/set the mental ray voxel resolution. Default is 1. This property is used when translating Hair to mental ray.


<HairEffect>.Raytrace_Reflections_Refractions BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Raytrace_the_Reflections_and_Refractions 

Get/set the state of the Raytrace Reflections/Refractions checkbox.

Motion Blur

<HairEffect>.mbDuration Float default: 0.5 -- float; MB_Duration 

Get/set the Motion Blur duration value. Default is 0.5


<HairEffect>.mbIntervalType Integer default: 1 -- integer; MB_Interval_Type 

Get/set the Motion Blur type.

Possible values are:

0 - start

1 - middle(default)

2 - end

Buffer Rendering Options

<HairEffect>.overSampling Integer default: 3 -- integer 

Get/set the Oversamplingoption.

The values corresponding to the options in the User Interface are:

1 - draft

3 - low

8 - med

15 - high

23 - maximum


<HairEffect>.tileMemoryUsage Integer default: 70 -- integer; Tile_Memory_Usage_Param 

Get/set theTile Memory Usagevalue in MB.

Available in 3ds Max 2009 and higher.


<HairEffect>.transparencyDepth Integer default:30 -- integer; Transparency_Depth_Param 

Get/set the Transparency Depth value.

Available in 3ds Max 2009 and higher.

Composite Method

<HairEffect>.compositionMethod Integer default: 0 -- integer; Composition_Method 

Get/set the Composite method when rendering in Buffer mode.

Possible values are:

0 - Normal(default)

1 - GBuffer

2 - None

3 - Off

Occlusion Objects


<HairEffect>.occlusionSetType Integer default: 0 -- integer; Occlusion_Set_Type 

Get/set the Occlusion type.

Possible values are:

0 - Auto(default)

1 - All

2 - Custom


<HairEffect>.occlusionNodesArray Parameter default: #() -- node array; Occlusion_Nodes; SubAnim 

Get/set the Occlusion Nodes array.Default is #()

Global Illumination

<HairEffect>.applyGI BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Apply_GI 

Get/set thestate of the Apply Skylight checkbox.

Available in 3ds Max 2009 and higher.


<HairEffect>.GI_Multiplier Float default: 2.0 -- float 

Get/set the value of the Multiplier slider.

Available in 3ds Max 2009 and higher.


<HairEffect>.shadowDensity Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float; Shadow_Density 

Get/set the Shadow Density value.Specifies the relative darkness of the shadows. At the default/highest value, 100.0, shadows are darkest. At the lowest value, 0.0, shadows are fully transparent, so they don't render. Range 0.0 to 100.0. Default is 100.0.


<HairEffect>.useAllLightsBooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Use_All_Lights 

Get/set the state of the Use All Lights option.Corresponds to the "Use all lights at render time" checkbox in the UI.

When set to true (default), causes all spot lights in the scene to illuminate and cast shadows from hair when the scene is rendered. When set to false, only spot lights withHair properties will affect hair.

For details on adding and removing Hair properties to/from spot lights, see the methods addHairProperties and removeHairProperties in Interface: Hair

See Also