Gets the specified node’s transform in world coordinates
biped.setTransform <biped_node> #pos <point3> <bool_setkey> [limb:<biped_node>] biped.setTransform <biped_node> #rotation <quat> <bool_setkey> [limb:<biped_node>] biped.setTransform <biped_node> #scale <point3> <bool_setkey> [limb:<biped_node>]
Sets the specified transform in world coordinates.
Setting scale is only applicable in Figure mode.
When setting positions, Biped will try to place the node at the specified location, but the final position may be clamped by Biped’s IK.
Since positions are in world coordinates, you should start at the biped root and work through the biped hierarchy setting positions.
Sets a key on the controller for the specified biped node at the current time.
If the node specified in the biped's COM, which tracks keys are created on depends on the boolean arguments.
Sets a key at the current frame on the specified controller.
If the biped_ctrl is the biped's body controller, the key is set on the track corresponding to the current transform type (horizontal, vertical, rotation).
Not applicable in footstep, motion, or mixer mode.