Fixed .Checked and .Enabled Properties in RCMenus

In 3ds Max 8 and higher, menu items in RCMenus used in dialogs will update correctly when the menuItem's .enabled and.checked properties change.


try (destroyDialog ro_vPropShop3) catch ()
rcmenu rc_Main
  local testval = false
  subMenu "Options"
    subMenu "Placement Options"
      menuItem mi_align "Align to face"checked:testval
      menuItem mi_art "Make Art"
      menuItem mi_pict "Make Picture"checked:false
  menuItem mi_halt "Halt and Catch Fire"
  on mi_align picked do (print "picked";testval = not testval)
  on rc_Main open do (print "opened")
  on rc_Main update do (print "update")
rollout ro_vPropShop3 "vPropShop3"()
createDialog ro_vPropShop3 width:600 height:400\
  bgColor:[153,153,153] menu:rc_Main \
  style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_resizing)

If you pick Options/Placement Options/Align to Face, and then open to that item again, it will be checked. Previously, it would show as unchecked. Picking the other items doesn't cause this to happen because the script need to set up a variable to track the state (testval for menuItem mi_align).


When a RCMenu is used in a Dialog, the open handler is called once when the dialog is created.

Added 'update' event handler to RCMenu.

This event handler is called when one of the top level subMenu or menuItems is initially clicked on. This event handler only called once per focus being set to the menu items - if you click on 'Options' the event handler is called, but it is not called when moving the mouse back and forth between 'Options' and 'Halt and Catch Fire' or clicking on menu items. This event handler is called after the enabled and checked keyword parameters are evaluated, and allows you to set new values for these properties. If a keyword parameter is not specified for the checked or enabled property, that property value is not changed when processing the keyword parameters (i.e. after initial creation there is no default value for these properties).


rc_Main.mi_align.enabled = not rc_Main.mi_align.enabled

rc_Main.mi_art.checked = not rc_Main.mi_art.checked
rc_Main.mi_art.enabled = not rc_Main.mi_art.enabled

rc_Main.mi_pict.checked = not rc_Main.mi_pict.checked
rc_Main.mi_pict.enabled = not rc_Main.mi_pict.enabled

rc_Main.mi_halt.checked = not rc_Main.mi_halt.checked
rc_Main.mi_halt.enabled = not rc_Main.mi_halt.enabled

After running the above, all of the menuItems are disabled, 'Align to Face' and 'Make Art' are checked, and 'Make Picture' is unchecked. 'Make Picture' is unchecked because it has the keyword parameter: checked:false

Note that when a RCMenu is opened, its local variables are re-initialized.


rcmenu MyRCmenu4
  local isChecked = false
  menuItem mi_xx "test slot"checked:isChecked
  on mi_xx picked do isChecked = not isChecked
  on MyRCmenu4 open do (print "opened")
popupmenu MyRCmenu4
popupmenu MyRCmenu4

because each time MyRCmenu4 is displayed isChecked is being set to false.

Instead, you need to store the persistent state outside the scope of the RCMenu,


isChecked = false
rcmenu MyRCmenu4
  menuItem mi_xx "test slot" checked:isChecked
  on mi_xx picked do isChecked = not isChecked
popupmenu MyRCmenu4

See Also