Interface: sceneStateMgr

Interfaces > Core Interfaces > sceneStateMgr



Core Interfaces - Quick Navigation

This Interface provides access to the Scene State Manager feature in 3ds Max 8 and higher.





Returns the number of scene states.


<string>sceneStateMgr.GetSceneState <index>index 

Returns the name of the indexed scene state.


<index>sceneStateMgr.FindSceneState <string>name 

Returns the index of the named scene state.


<bool>sceneStateMgr.Capture <string>name <bitArray by value>parts 

Creates a scene state with the given name and the supplied array of parts. Returns true on success, false otherwise.


<bool>sceneStateMgr.Restore <string>name <bitArray by value>parts 

Restores the scene state with the given name using the supplied array of parts. Returns true on success, false otherwise.


<bool>sceneStateMgr.Delete <string>name 

Deletes the scene state with the given name. Returns true on success, false otherwise.


<bool>sceneStateMgr.Rename <string>oldname <string>newname 

Renames the scene state with the given old name to the new name. Returns true on success, false otherwise.


<bitArray by value>sceneStateMgr.GetParts <string>name 

Returns a bitarray containing the parts in the scene state with the given name. Returns true on success, false otherwise.



Returns the number of parts as integer.


<index>sceneStateMgr.MapPartToIndex <string>part 

Returns the index of the supplied part name string.


<string>sceneStateMgr.MapIndexToPart <index>index 

Returns the name string of the indexed part.


<bool>sceneStateMgr.CaptureAllParts <string>name 

Captures all parts to a state with the given name. Returns true on success, false otherwise.


<bool>sceneStateMgr.RestoreAllParts <string>name 

Restores all parts to the given state. Returns true on success, false otherwise.


See Also