Perspective_Match: UtilityPlugin

Exposes the Perspective_Match Utility to MAXScript.

Available in 3ds Max 2014 and higher.



Class instances not creatable by MAXScript


To open the Utility in the Utilities tab

UtilityPanel.OpenUtility Perspective_Match
--> true

Interface: Perspective_Match



Equivalent to pressing the "Show Vanishing Lines" checkbutton in the Utility's UI.



Equivalent to depressing the "Hide Vanishing Lines" checkbutton in the Utility's UI.



Returns True if the "Show Vanishing Lines" checkbutton is checked (displaying "Hide Vanishing Lines" as its label) and the Utility is in matching mode.

Returns False if the Utility is not in matching mode (the checkbutton is unchecked).


<void>Perspective_Match.SetVanishingLineMode <enum>VanishingLineMode 

VanishingLineMode enums: {#XYZ|#XY|#XZ|#YZ}

Sets the state of the "Vanishing Lines" radio buttons.



GetVanishingLineMode enums: {#XYZ|#XY|#XZ|#YZ}

Returns the state of the "Vanishing Lines" radio buttons.


<void>Perspective_Match.SetLineStart <enum>lineID <point2>ViewportPercentageScreenPos 

lineID enums: {#xLine1|#xLine2|#yLine1|#yLine2|#zLine1|#zLine2}

Sets the start position of the line specified by the first argument to the screen position specified as percentage by the second argument.


<point2 by value>Perspective_Match.GetLineStart <enum>lineID 

lineID enums: {#xLine1|#xLine2|#yLine1|#yLine2|#zLine1|#zLine2}

Returns the start position of the line specified by the first argument as Point2 percentage in screen space.


<void>Perspective_Match.SetLineEnd <enum>lineID <point2>ViewportPercentageScreenPos 

lineID enums: {#xLine1|#xLine2|#yLine1|#yLine2|#zLine1|#zLine2}

Sets the end position of the line specified by the first argument to the screen position specified as percentage by the second argument.


<point2 by value>Perspective_Match.GetLineEnd <enum>lineID 

lineID enums: {#xLine1|#xLine2|#yLine1|#yLine2|#zLine1|#zLine2}

Returns the end position of the line specified by the first argument as Point2 percentage in screen space.


<void>Perspective_Match.SetAnchorObject <node>INode

Sets the anchor object - equivalent to picking an object using the "Pick Anchor Object" pickbutton.



Returns the anchor object picked using the "Pick Anchor Object" pickbutton.


<void>Perspective_Match.SetHorizontalAdjustment <float>HorizontalAdjustment

Sets the value of the "Horizontal" spinner in the "Camera Adjustments" group of controls.

The spinner does not keep the value - the value is applied to the Camera as Horizontal Offset and the spinner is reset to 0.0.

In other words, this method causes the Camera to be offset to the left when the value is negative or to the right when the value is positive.


<void>Perspective_Match.SetVerticalAdjustment <float>VerticalAdjustment

Sets the value of the "Vertical" spinner in the "Camera Adjustments" group of controls.

The spinner does not keep the value - the value is applied to the Camera as Vertical Offset and the spinner is reset to 0.0.

In other words, this method causes the Camera to be offset to down when the value is negative or up when the value is positive.


<void>Perspective_Match.SetDistanceAdjustment <float>DistanceAdjustment

Sets the value of the "Distance" spinner in the "Camera Adjustments" group of controls.

The spinner does not keep the value - the value is applied to the Camera as Distance Offset and the spinner is reset to 0.0.

In other words, this method causes the Camera to be offset backwards when the value is negative or forward when the value is positive.



Equivalent to pressing the left arrow button which rotates the Camera counter-clockwise at 90 degrees.



Equivalent to pressing the right arrow button which rotates the Camera clockwise at 90 degrees.