The following is a description of internal changes and "tweaks" to the MAXScript language in 3ds Max 7. Other than the "What is new..." topic, these changes do not implement new objects, classes, methods or interfaces, but change the way MAXScript works internally. Usually these changes either improve performance or simplify programming.
A node name cache has been implemented. It is used by MAXScript to resolve pathnames (like $box01)
to scene nodes. This optimization primarily comes into play with script controllers
that use pathnames. In a scene with 5001 nodes and a script controller that references
the 5001'th node by name twice, the time for 10000 evaluations of the script controller
went from 147 seconds to 1.6 seconds.
A new checkbox was added to the MAXScript tab of the Preference dialog: Use Fast Node Name Lookup.When on, scene node names are cached by MAXScript, resulting in significantly faster resolution of non-wildcard pathname values (i.e., $box01) to node values. When off, the scene nodes are enumerated looking for a scene node name that matches the pathname.
An optimization was introduced in 3ds Max 7 that checks to see if a node has already been invalidated before sending out notifications
to it's dependents that it has been changed. It speeds up complex rigs, especially
those that involve the new expose transform helper. It is controlled by the preferences.InvalidateTMOpt System Global variable. When set to true, the optimization is enabled and multiple
notifications will not be sent out. When set to false, the animation system behaves
as in 3ds Max 6 and earlier. It is enabled by default.
The MakeNameUnique function was changed to use an std::set rather than an a Tab<int>. This reduced the
time for creating 2500 nodes of the same type from 145 seconds to 71 seconds. If the
nodes are renamed as they are being created, time for creating 2500 nodes reduced
from 47seconds to 11 seconds.
The getNodeByName function has been significantly enhanced.
refs.dependson now returns the Custom Attributes of an object. In versions prior 3ds Max 7, Custom Attributes were not considered by this method as technically they are not
dependent on the object.
classOf will return the custom attribute definition (MSCustAttribDef) if passed a scripted custom attribute instance. In previous releases, it was returning
a MAXClass value.
The visible name of the MAXCustAttrib class was changed from CustAttrib to MAXCustAttrib.
Now you can use: 'CustAttrib.classes' to access the custom attribute classes, and
test the superclass of custom attributes against CustAttrib.
Added .isPB2Based as a property of custom attribute definition MSCustAttribDef. Already a property of MAXClass and MSPluginClass.
Added .isMSPluginClass as a read-only property of custom attribute definition MSCustAttribDef, MAXClass, and MSPluginClass. MSPluginClass derives from MAXClass, and MSCustAttribDef
derives from MSPluginClass. Property is true if the class is a MSPluginClass or MSCustAttribDef.
See also the previously defined isMSPluginClass() method.
Added .isMSCustAttribClass as a read-only property of custom attribute definition MSCustAttribDef, MAXClass, and MSPluginClass. Property is true if the class is a MSCustAttribDef.
See also the previously defined isMSCustAttribClass() method.
In versions prior 3ds Max 7, the user was responsible for re-initializing the mesh to make it valid before calling
update. However, most users would not know everything that needs to be done to re-initialize
the mesh properly. For this reason, the re-initializing is done when setting the .numfaces or calling the setNumFaces method.
A when parameters obj change handler now also picks up topological and geometry changes.
The reason for the previous behavior was the following: if obj was a node, the parameter change message from a changing parameter in most modifiers (including Attribute Holder) was being changed by the ModApp to a geometry change message.
For FPS methods/properties that take a Material, RefTarg, INode, Object, or Control
values, 'undefined' is an accepted value and is converted to NULL
getMAXFileObjectNames now returns an array of string values, rather than an array of name values. The object names used by mergeMaxFile are case sensitive, and name values are not guaranteed to maintain the case of the
string they wrap. See 3ds Max File Loading and Saving
The Macro Recorder Path Analyzer has been changed to ignore references that are either
DeleteReference restore objects or MAXScript MAXWrapper values. In the past, if the
PathAnalyzer found one of these references before a reference into the scene, no macro
recorder output was generated.
The insertItem method has been extended to work with MAXPB2ArrayParam values:
The testing of the 'extends' class type in scripted plugins has been fixed, so a
scripted plugin can now extend a scripted plugin.
The simpleMod 'map' event handler call is now explicitly disabled if no map event
handler is defined. This leads to no real execution speed increase, the first call
to the map event handler would have returned a non-Point3 value that would result
in the event handler being disabled anyway.
A remap keyword argument was added to scripted plug-in and scripted custom attribute definitions.
This keyword allows parameter names in the definitions to be changed when updating existing definitions. The keyword takes as an argument a 2 element array, where each element contains an array of string literal or name values. The size of the 2 arrays must be the same.
The names in the first array are the existing parameter names, the names in the second array are the new parameter names.
As parameter names are read in while migrating existing plugin instances, the parameter names are searched for in the first array. If the name is found, the data associated with that parameter is moved to the parameter name in the corresponding location in the second array.
If a parameter name is not found in the first array, the parameter name is not remapped. If the parameter name in the second array does not match a parameter name in the new definition, the parameter data is not moved to the new definition.
Coercion of String to Boolean has been added.
Valid string values (case insensitive) for this coercion are:
Introduced a MAXScript variable options.printAllElements and a context with printAllElements <bool> do <expr> for controlling whether the complete Array, MeshSelection, BigMatrix, and BigMatrixRowArray
is printed or coerced to string, or just the first 20 elements.
A copy method was defined for name values. The method returns the same name value. This is needed to support deep copying of
arrays in a clean way.
New read-only properties .parent and .index have been added to subAnim values. The parent is the true object owning the subAnim,
and the index is the subAnim index within that object.
The .text property is now equivalent to the .caption property for all rollout controls that do not define .text separately (for example, the EditText control already has a .text property).Setting a label's text is the same as setting a label's caption.In previous
releases, setting the text would not update the UI, but would update the internal
.caption value.
The calculation of the construction height of comboBox and dropdown list was improved.Themininumvalue
of the height parameter of comboBox, dropdown list and listBox controls is now clamped
to 1.
#worldUnits is now accepted as a type of Slider, and is equivalent to a type of #float
Spinner controls with align: #left were not being positioned correctly. Changing the spinner width would move the spinner
right or left, with part of the spinner frequently outside the rollout width. This
has been fixed so that left aligned spinner controls stay put on the left as width
The Group UI control has been fixed to handle controls within the group that use the across: parameter. The bottom of the group is now below the largest control within the group,
rather than below the last control within the group.
In 3ds Max 6 and earlier versions, the above would result in
In 3ds Max 7, the result looks like
Rollout event handlers are now accessible as properties of the rollout. For example, <rollout>.open()will call the open handler of the rollout.
Fix for continue while mapping across node objectsets.
New getCurrentException() method returns the text of the current exception in conjunction with a catch() statement.
no_max_makerwas fixed to return MAXNode values instead of MAXRefTarg values for nodes.
If the first argument of getTransformAxis is the value undefined instead of a node, the viewport common axis is returned instead.
If the Coordinate System Center (returned by getCoordCenter() ) is #local or the Ref Coord System (returned by getRefCoordSys() ) is #local, #parent , or #gimbal , the last calculated common axis is returned.