These functions mirror the Copy/Paste functionality.
Creates a copy of the posture, pose, or track, as specified, for the selected objects in the Biped. Returns the name of copy. bool_horiz, bool_vert, and bool_turn control whether the horizontal, vertical, and/or turn is copied for the COM.
Pastes the specified posture, pose, or track to the selected objects in the Biped.
Deletes all postures, poses, or tracks, as specified.
Returns the number of the posture, pose, or track copies.
Deletes the specified posture, pose, or track copy.
Renames the specified posture, pose, or track copy.
Returns the name of the specified posture, pose, or track copy.
Loads the posture, pose, and track copies from the specified file.
Saves the posture, pose, and track copies to the specified file. The file name extension should be "cpy".
Creates a new collection with the given name.
Returns the number of Copy Collections.
Returns the indexed Copy Collection. The CopyCollection value has one property that can be get and set - .name
Deletes the indexed Copy Collection.
biped.copyBipPosture <biped_ctrl> <ICC_MXCopyCollection> <nodes_array> (#snapView |#snapAuto |#snapNone)
Copies the biped posture. Available in3ds Max 8 and higher.
biped.pasteBipPosture <biped_ctrl> <ICP_MXBipedCopy> <bool_opposite> (#pstdefault |#pstcopied |#pstinterp) <bool_hor><bool_ver><bool_trn><bool_byvel>
Pastes the biped posture. Available in3ds Max 8 and higher.
Copies the biped pose. Available in3ds Max 8 and higher.
biped.pasteBipPose <biped_ctrl> <ICP_MXBipedCopy> <bool_opposite> (#pstdefault |#pstcopied |#pstinterp) <bool_hor> <bool_ver> <bool_trn> <bool_byvel>
Pastes the biped pose. Available in3ds Max 8 and higher.
biped.copyBipTrack <biped_ctrl><ICC_MXCopyCollection> <nodes_array>(#snapView |#snapAuto |#snapNone)
Copies the biped track. Available in3ds Max 8 and higher.
Pastes the biped track. Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.