How do I Select a Face of an Editable Mesh by its Index?
A user asked:
Is there a way to select a face in an editable mesh when you only know its index?
When doing it just once, you can quickly type in the Listener something like
This will select face with index 10 assuming that a single object is selected and
it is an Editable_Mesh.
If you are doing this very often, the following macroScript provides a UI with a spinner
to select the face index and some error handling:
macroScript FaceByIndex category:"MXS Help"
global SelectFaceRoll
try (destroyDialog SelectFaceRoll) catch()
rollout SelectFaceRoll "Select Face"
spinner face_index "Face Index" type:#integer range:[1,100000000,1]
onface_index changed valdo
if isValidNode selection[1] and classof selection[1].baseobject == Editable_Mesh do
if val <= selection[1].numfaces then
setFaceSelection selection[1] #{val}
setFaceSelection selection[1] #{}
max modify mode
try (subObjectLevel = 3) catch()
createDialog SelectFaceRoll 150 30
)--end macro