showInterface Inspector Function


Core Interfaces

Other Interfaces


showInterface <interface> [ to:<stream> ] 	 

where <interface> is the Interface to be inspected.

and the optional to :<stream> keyword argument specifies a Stream Value to output the display to.

This function displays the interface information of the interface supplied as parameter.

The display of interface information is divided into three sections: Properties, Methods, and Actions.

In the Properties section, each property exposed by the interface is listed along with its data type or enumeration values and whether the property can be read and written to.

In the Methods section, each method is listed along with its return type and its argument list. The value type for each argument is shown. If the return type of is shown as <void>, the method returns a value of 'ok'. Methods that are used by Actions are commented as such. These methods typically require that the object be selected and active in the appropriate command panel.

In the Actions section, each Action is listed along with its category and action description as shown in the Customize User Interface dialog, and the shortcut keys, if any, assigned to the Action.


ctrl = lookat_constraint() --create a new lookat constraint
showinterface ctrl.constraints --show the constraints interface 


Interface: constraints
<node>getNode <index>targetNumber
<float>getWeight <index>targetNumber
<boolean>setWeight <index>targetNumber <float>weight
<boolean>appendTarget <node>target <float>weight
<boolean>deleteTarget <index>targetNumber

In conjunction with the getInterfaces function which returns an array of interfaces exposed by a MAXWrapper or MAXClass, the showInterface function can be used to get similar output as from the showInterfaces function.

See Also