particleVector Sample Script



Particle Flow - Quick Navigation


The following sample script assigns Vector values to the particleVector channel.

Can Be Used With:

Can be used in a Script_Operator to control the Target Point position of a Find_Target Test.


Takes a scene geometry object, gets the position of its first vertex, adds a random offset to it and assigns to the particleVector channel of all particles. In result, all particles stream towards the vertex thanks to the Find_Target which is set to read the particleVector channel and send all particles to the position in the channel:


--The ChannelsUsed handler defines the channels
--to be made available to the script.
--For the list of all channels, see
--Interface: MaxscriptParticleContainer
--The parameter pCont passed to the handler
--contains the Particle Container the script is applied to
on ChannelsUsed pCont do
--Enable the Vector channel:
pCont.useVector = true 
--The Init handler is called on initialization.
--It is not used in this case.
on Init pCont do
--Define a global variable with unique name and store the
--scene object which also has a unique name in it
global obj_19680217 = $Sphere_19680217
--If the scene object does not exist, create a sphere,
--give it the unique name and assign to the global variable
if obj_19680217 == undefined then
obj_19680217 = Sphere name:"Sphere_19680217"
--The Proceed handler contains the main script
--applied to the Particles.
--The parameter pCont passed to the handler
--contains the Particle Container the script is applied to:
on Proceed pCont do
--Get the current number of particles
count = pCont.NumParticles()
--Loop from 1 to the number of particles:
for i in 1 to count do
--Set the particle index in the container to the current i value.
--This makes the i-th particle in the container the current one
pCont.particleIndex = i
--Get the position of the first vertex of the scene object.
vpos = (getVert obj_19680217.mesh 1)
--Add a random variation between -1 and +1 to all 3 axes
vpos += random [-1,-1,-1] [1,1,1]
--Set the particleVector channel value to the calculated value
pCont.particleVector = vpos
 )--end i loop
)--end Proceed
--The Release handler is used to do cleanup work.
--Not used in this case.
on Release pCont do

See Also