Interfaces > Core Interfaces > OverlappingVertices xView Checker |
The OverlappingVertices Core Interface exposes methods for interacting with the Overlapping Vertices xView Checker.
Available in 3ds Max 2010 and higher.
Get/set the tolerance value of the Overlapping Vertices checker. Corresponds to the value set in the Properties dialog of the test.
<enum>OverlappingVertices.Check <time>time <node>nodeToCheck <&index array>results Check enums: {#Failed|#Vertices|#Edges|#Faces} results is In and Out parameter
Performs an Overlapping Vertices xView check at the given time on the specified node and returns its results in the array passed by-reference as third argument.
The method itself always returns the #vertices enum because the values written to the results array always represent the indices of overlapping vertices.
Returns true if the xView checker implements a property dialog, false if it does not.
In the particular case of the Overlapping Vertices checker, it always returns true.