The Reactor dynamics system has been retired and REMOVED from 3ds Max 2012.
The reactorInterface was exposed by theReactorUtility. To access the properties and methods described below, you could use .
You do not have to explicitly state the interface like - MAXScript will scan the utilityPlugin and its interfaces and locate the property automatically.
Get/set the Collision Tolerance value
Controls the state of the "Add Drag Action" checkbox in the "World" rollout.
Get/set the Linear Drag value. Used when .useDragAction is set to True.
Get/set the Angular Drag value. Used when .useDragAction is set to True.
When set to True,Reactorwill simulate friction.
Controls the state of the "Add Deactivator" checkbox in the "World" rollout.
Get/set the Short Frequency value used by the Deactivator.
Get/set the Long Frequency value used by the Deactivator.
Controls the state of the "Analyze Before Simulation" checkbox in the "Utils" rollout. When set to True , the Scene will be analyzed before performing the Simulation.
Controls the state of the "Save Before Simulation" checkbox in the "Utils" rollout. When set to True , the Scene will be saved before performing the Simulation.
Get/set the Reduction Threshold value of the Simulation. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Key Management" group of the "Utils" rollout.
Controls the state of the "Reduce After Simulation" checkbox located in the "Key Management" group of the "Utils" rollout. When set to True , the Keyframes will be reduced after the Simulation has been performed.
Get/set the Start Frame value of the Simulation. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Timing" group of the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Get/set the End Frame value of the Simulation. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Timing" group of the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Get/set the Substeps per Key value. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Timing" group of the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Get/set the Frames per Key value. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Timing" group of the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Get/set the Time Scale value. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Timing" group of the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Controls the state of the "Update Viewports" checkbox in the "Preview & Animation" rollout. When set to True , the Keyframes will be reduced after the Simulation has been performed.
Get/set the Camera node used for display. Corresponds to the pickbutton located in the "Display" rollout.
Controls the state of the "Use Defaults" checkbox in the "Camera Clipping Planes" group in the "Display" rollout. When set to True , the Clipping Planes of the selected Camera will be used. When set to False , the Clipping values defined by .nearCameraClippingPlane and .farCameraClippingPlane will be used istead.
Get/set the Near Plane value. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Camera Clipping Planes" group of the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the Far Plane value. Corresponds to the spinner value located in the "Camera Clipping Planes" group of the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the Mouse Spring Restitution value. Corresponds to the "Stiffness" spinner value located in the "Mouse Spring" group of the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the Mouse Spring Restitution Length value. Corresponds to the "Rest Length" spinner value located in the "Mouse Spring" group of the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the Mouse Spring Damping value. Corresponds to the "Damping" spinner value located in the "Mouse Spring" group of the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the Texture Quality. Corresponds to the radio button state in the "Texture Quality (pixels)" group of the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the array of lights to be used by the interactive display. Corresponds to the list in the "Display" rollout.
Controls the state of the "DirectX" checkbox in the "Display" rollout.
Get/set the method for storing the Collision Information. Corresponds to radio buttons located in the "Store Collisions" group in the "Collisions" rollout.
When set to true, collision info will be filtered. (See getFilteredCollisionPairsLists method below for access)
When set to true, collision velocity info will be filtered.
Get/set the min.velocity threshold for a collision info to be considered for filtering.
Get/set the state of the "Create List/Layer" checkbox in the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Presses the Preview in Window button located in the "Preview & Animation" rollout.
Presses the "Analyze World" button located in the "Utils" rollout, "World Analyzis" group
Presses the "About " button located in the "About" rollout (? Icon)
Presses the "Test Convexity" button located in the "Utils" rollout, "Selection group".
Returns true if the specified node is convex at the specified time, false otherwise.
Presses the "Create Animation" button located in the " Preview & Animation" rollout.
Presses the "Reduce Keys" button located in the "Utils" rollout, "Selection group".
Presses the "Delete Keys" button located in the "Utils" rollout, "Selection group".
Presses the "Reduce Now" button located in the "Utils" rollout, "Key Management".
Presses the "Delete All" button located in the "Utils" rollout, " Key Management".
Returns arigidBodyInterfaceMixinInterface for the specified node.
The following methods are related to collision information access.
Returns the number of stored collisions
Returns all stored collisions as an array ofCollision_Info : ReferenceTargetobjects.
Set the stored collisions to the specified array.
Add the specified array to the stored collisions.
Save the stored collisions to the specified path and file name. Returns true on success.
<void>reactor.getFilteredCollisionPairsLists <&node array>firstObjects <&node array>secondObjects firstObjects is In and Out parameter secondObjects is In and Out parameter
Returns filtered collision pairs into the two by-reference arrays. Elements from both arrays with the same index correspond to a collision pair.
<void>reactor.setFilteredCollisionPairsLists <&node array>firstObjects <&node array>secondObjects firstObjects is In and Out parameter secondObjects is In and Out parameter
Sets the filtered collision pairs lists to the two by-reference arrays. Elements from both arrays with the same index correspond to a collision pair.
<void>reactor.getDisabledCollisionPairsLists <&node array>firstObjects <&node array>secondObjects firstObjects is In and Out parameter secondObjects is In and Out parameter
Returns disabled collision pairs lists into the two by-reference arrays. Elements from both arrays with the same index correspond to a collision pair.
<void>reactor.setDisabledCollisionPairsLists <&node array>firstObjects <&node array>secondObjects firstObjects is In and Out parameter secondObjects is In and Out parameter
Sets the disabled collision pairs lists to the two by-reference arrays. Elements from both arrays with the same index correspond to a collision pair.
Enable collisions between the two specified objects.