Interfaces > Core Interfaces > defaultActions |
The defaultActions CoreInterface exposes the default actions for several system events.
Available in 3ds Max 2008 and higher.
<boolean>defaultActions.getAction <enum>eventID <&enum array>action eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles} action enums: {#logToFile | #logmsg | #abort} action is Out parameter
Get the default actions with the event ID given as first argument into the by-reference second argument.
Returns true on success, false if no actions were found for the given ID.
<boolean>defaultActions.setAction <enum>eventID <&enum array>action title:<string> oldAction:<&enum array> eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles} action enums: {#logToFile | #logmsg | #abort} action is In parameter title default value: undefined oldAction enums: {#logToFile | #logmsg | #abort} oldAction default value: #() oldAction is Out parameter
Set the default actions with the event ID given as first argument to the actions specified by the second argument.
The optional title: string can be used to give a name to the action setup.
The old actions will be returned into the optional oldAction: argument.
Returns true if an old action was found, false if no old action was previously defined for this ID.
<boolean>defaultActions.deleteAction <enum>eventID eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Deletes the default actions for the event ID given as first argument.
Returns true on success, false if no actions were found to delete.
Returns the number of default actions.
<Stringby value>defaultActions.getActionTitle <enum>eventID eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Returns the title of the action defined for the given event ID, or empty string "" if no title has been defined.
Returns the title of the action by index, or empty string "" if no title has been defined.
<enum>defaultActions.getActionIDByIndex <index>index getActionIDByIndex enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Returns the Action ID by index.
<boolean>defaultActions.logEntry <enum>eventID <string>message eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Logs the message given by the second argument for the event ID given by the first argument. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
<void>defaultActions.MsgLogClear <enum>eventID eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Clears the messages for the event ID given by the first argument.
<integer>defaultActions.getMsgLogCount <enum>eventID eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Returns the message count for the event ID given by the first argument.
<TSTR by value>defaultActions.getMsgLogMsg <enum>eventID <index>index eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Returns the indexed message logged for the event ID given by the first argument.
<TSTR by value array>defaultActions.getMsgLogMsgs <enum>eventID eventID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Returns an array of all message for the event ID given by the first argument.
<enum>defaultActions.getMsgLogID <index>index getMsgLogID enums: {#missingExtFiles | #missingDLLs | #missingXRefs | #missingUVW | #unsupportedRendereffect | #invalidXRefFiles}
Returns the Log ID for the indexed message given by the first argument.