You can set the following preferences in the Animation sub-category below the Settings category in the Preferences window. (There are also Animation preferences under the Display category. See Animation (Display) preferences.)
See also Edit animation preferences.
Specifies whether Maya will automatically set keys on a previously animated object’s attributes when you change the values of those attributes. This preference has the same effect as the Animation Controls’ Auto Keyframe Toggle button (next to the Animation Preferences button in the Animation controls). This option is off by default.
To set the rotation interpolation options, see Set rotation interpolation for curves.
Specifies the type of rotation interpolation used when creating curves. These options are the same as those available in the Change Rotation Interp menu item in the Graph Editor. For more information on rotation interpolation, see Animated rotation in Maya.
Calculates the rotation using three separate angles representing rotations about the X, Y, and Z axes, and an order or rotation. In this mode, the curves that define the rotation for a given node are represented in Euler-angles, interpolation is performed on each curve independently in Euler space, and keyframes may occur at your discretion—they are not synchronized with the other sibling rotation curves at the node. You can also animate a single rotation ordinate. This is the default setting.
Creates curves that have keyframes on sibling curves locked together but with interpolation between keyframes performed in Euler-space.
It’s useful to keep rotation keyframes synchronized because rotation is a composition of the three separate rotate values. Deleting just one key on a curve can have a dramatic and unexpected effect on the interpolation.
Interpolation is calculated using spherical linear interpolation and does not depend on the tangents of the input curves.
Interpolation is calculated using quaternion cubic interpolation (Squad) and does not depend on the tangents of the input curves.
Interpolation is calculated using quaternion interpolation based on the input curve tangents. For example, if the tangents are linear, Maya uses spherical linear interpolation (Slerp), and if the tangents are clamped, Maya uses cubic interpolation (Squad).
Let you set the default rotation interpolation type for new HIK curves. This drop-down list contains the same set of rotation interpolation options as the New curve default preference (listed above). The default for HIK curves is Quaternion Slerp.
Tangents determine the status of curve segments when they enter and exit from a key.
Weighted tangents represent the amount of influence a tangent has on an animation curve segment. When on, all new tangents are automatically weighted. Weighted Tangents is off by default. See Edit tangents.
Specifies the default in tangent type. The In Tangent setting controls the shape of the animation segment before a key.
Options include:
(Default) An Auto In Tangent compares the current keyframe value to the previous keyframe value, and flattens the curve segment if it travels above or below those keyframe values. (See also Auto tangents in the Graph Editor Tangents menu.)
A spline tangent rounds the animation curve smoothly before the key. If the key’s Out Tangent is also a spline, the tangents of the curve are then co-linear (both at the same angle). This ensures that the animation curve smoothly enters and exits the key.
A linear tangent creates an animation curve as a straight line before the key.
The clamped tangent smoothly rounds the animation curve (like the Spline selection) before a key unless the next key is very close. If so, the In Tangent and the previous key’s Out Tangent are both straight (like the Linear selection), making the animation curve between the keys straight.
A flat tangent type sets the tangents before the key to be horizontal with a slope of 0 degrees (flat).
A plateau tangent type eases animation curves in and out of their keyframes, flattens curve segments that occur between equal-valued keyframes, flattens keyframes at the points in their curves where hills and valleys occur, and flattens the first and last keyframes on their curves.
Specifies the default out tangent type. The Out Tangent setting controls the shape of the animation curve right after a key.
Options include:
(Default) An Auto out tangent compares the current keyframe value to the next keyframe value, and flattens the curve segment if it travels above or below those keyframe values. (See also Auto tangents in the Graph Editor Tangents menu.)
A spline out tangent rounds the animation curve smoothly after the key. If the key’s In Tangent is also a spline, the tangents of the curve are then co-linear (both at the same angle). This ensures that the animation curve smoothly enters and exits a key.
A linear tangent creates an animation curve as a straight line after a key.
Specifies the animation curve is smoothly rounded (like the Spline selection) after a key unless the next key is very close. If so, the Out tangent and the previous key’s In tangent are both straight (like the Linear selection), making the animation curve between the keys straight.
A flat tangent type sets the tangents after the key to be horizontal with a slope of 0 degrees (flat).
A stepped tangent type forces the animation curve to hold its value from the one key to the next key.
A plateau tangent type eases animation curves in and out of their keyframes, flattens curve segments that occur between equal-valued keyframes, flattens keyframes at the points in their curves where hills and valleys occur, and flattens the first and last keyframes on their curves.
The Animation Blending preferences let you specify the types of blends that can occur between object connections. For example, when you turn on Always blend with existing connections, you can then both animate and constrain a single object.
When this preference is on:
Always Blend with Existing Connections is on by default.
When this preference is on:
When this preference is on:
When on (default), neighboring keys with similar values automatically align as you edit curves in the Graph Editor. Enable this preference if you want similar, adjacent keys to snap to identical values.
When on (default), you can drag to move selected keyframes in the graph view area with a single click. When off, clicking selected keyframes has no effect in the graph view area, and you must select the Move tool and middle-drag to adjust keyframes. Enabling this option may be preferable if you are familiar with keyframe editing workflows in other Autodesk applications, such as MotionBuilder.