Modifies a texture image by comparing two UV sets on a single polygonal mesh and produces a new bitmap image. To use this feature you must specify a source image, as well as a source and destination UV set for the model from which the UVs will be referenced for the image manipulation. Warp Image produces a new target image as the result.
These are the descriptions for the options in the Warp Image Options window.
Specifies the name and file path of the image that is input for warp modifications.
Specifies the name and file path of the final image that is output from the warp calculations.
Background mode determines how colors are interpolated at the texture edges. When warping an image, occasionally some of the pixels along texture edges are missed. As a result, areas of the polygon mesh may not be properly covered as the background color shows through. The Background mode and Background color options helps manage this situation by allowing you to specify a color to apply to the background. You can specify a fixed color that contrasts with the original source image so you can easily determine the locations of the pixel gaps or attempt to hide the gap using a color that is determined from the texture map.
Extrapolates colors from the pixels on the related texture map to automatically minimize colors showing through. The results depend on the texture map.
Uses the color specified in the Background Color setting.
Specifies the color used for the Background mode. This can also be useful if you want to import the file texture into an image editing software application, and want a special key (color) to select the background for processing.
Specifies the image file format for the new image that is created as a result of the Warp Image modifications. File formats include PIX, ALS, IFF, TIFF, CINEON, EPS, GIF, JPG, YUV, RLA, SGI, TGA, and BMP.
Specifies the polygon UV set that is referenced for warp modification.
Specifies the polygon UV set that is used as a target when determining where to modify the final warped image.
Specifies the X-axis resolution for the resulting warped image in pixels. The default X resolution is 256.
Specifies the Y-axis resolution for the resulting warped image in pixels. The default Y resolution is 256.
When Overwrite Existing File is turned on (default), the target image overwrites a file of the same name if it exists in that location. When Overwrite Existing File is turned off and a file exists of the same name as specified in the New Image Name option, the Warp Image operation will quit without producing an image.
When Bilinear Filtering is turned on (default), the target image is anti-aliased by averaging the colors of adjacent pixels. When Bilinear Filtering is used the resulting new image may be softer with less contrast as a result of the anti-aliasing that occurs. When Bilinear Filtering is off, a point sampling method for anti-aliasing is used that produces a sharper image with more contrast. Additional post-processing of the image may be necessary.
Specifies whether the alpha channel is incorporated into the Warp Image calculations. When the option is turned off the Alpha channel information is discarded.
When the Tiled option is turned on (default) the source image is repeated in U and V directions. For example, the UVs that extend beyond the UV range wrap to the other side. When Tiled is turned off, pixels that reside outside of the 0 to 1 UV range are ignored by the Warp Image feature.
Tiling a warped image has implications if the wrapped UVs overlap with other UVs as a result. Warp Image needs to determine where the pixel should be assigned in the areas of overlap, so unpredictable results can occur in the final image. For that reason, UVs should be laid out so they do not tile. If they must tile, they should tile without overlapping.