Save Scene As Options

Use these options to set what happens when you select File > Save Scene As.

General Options

File type

Sets the file type.

Default file extensions

Adds the file extension .mlt to file names.

3D Paint Texture Options

Copy texture maps

Lets you determine how Maya saves file textures created with the 3D Paint Tool when you save a scene.


Saves different versions of the file textures when you save different versions of a scene. Use this setting if you are working on different iterations or versions of the file texture.

Unless referenced

Saves file textures only if the painted character is not referenced. When this option is selected, Maya uses the file textures from the referenced file, even if you save the scene with a new name. If the character is not referenced and you save a copy of the scene with this option selected, Maya creates a copy of the file textures.


Does not save a new file texture. Use this setting if you are no longer changing the file textures and want to continue to use the saved file textures, even if you save the scene with a new name. This prevents multiple copies of the textures from accumulating.

File Type Specific Options

Use full names for attributes on nodes

Displays the full names of node attributes.

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