You can bake any preview swatch in your ShaderFX graph to a flat 2kx2k texture. In addition, you can also bake the unwrapped UV's of your geometry to a texture.
To save your preview swatch to a flat, square, 2kx2k texture
In Extension for Maya LT 2015, select Tools > Save Selected Swatches to Images.
To bake to a larger swatch size, use the shaderfx MEL command with the -renderSwatchToDisk flag.
To visualize your viewport geometry in the ShaderFX swatches
If you rotate your camera, you must select View > Select Camera in the panel menu, then select Tools > Set Swatch Camera in the ShaderFX marking menu to update the swatches in ShaderFX.
In Extension for Maya LT 2015, select Tools > Save Selected Swatches to UV-unwrapped Image.
The unwrapped UV's of your geometry are baked to the file.
You can mix expensive noise and patterns, then bake and export them to a game engine. ShaderFX lets you stitch together nodes, preview them real time in Viewport 2.0, then bake out a UV based texture for your object.