List of input color spaces

The following input color spaces are available by default. You can use other spaces by creating user transforms, or by specifying an OCIO configuration file.

The installed transform files are in the synColor/transform/ directory of the Maya installation location.

Input Space Description Primaries
ACES Scene-linear values using the ACES primaries. Converted to the rendering primaries.
ARRI LogC Digital camera footage in Arri LogC format. Converted to the rendering primaries, after applying the Academy input device transform (IDT).
camera Rec 709 Images encoded with the primaries and gamma specified by Rec. 709 for HD video cameras. Note that almost no cameras actually use this encoding. However, this is very similar to a gamma between 1.8 and 2.2, so it might be useful if you have images encoded with a gamma of about 2.0. Converted from the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries to the rendering primaries, after applying a curve on all three RGB channels.
gamma 1.8 Rec 709 Images encoded with the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries and a gamma of 1.8. Converted from the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries to the rendering primaries, after applying a single curve on all three RGB channels.
gamma 2.2 Rec 709 Images encoded with the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries and a gamma of 2.2. Converted from the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries to the rendering primaries, after applying a single curve on all three RGB channels.
gamma 2.4 Rec 709 (video) Images encoded with the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries and a gamma of 2.4. This applies the inverse of the gamma specified by Rec. 709 for HD video monitors. Converted from the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries to the rendering primaries, after applying a single curve on all three RGB channels.
Log film scan (ADX) Scanned film plates with the Academy Density Exchange encoding. Converted to the rendering primaries, after applying the Academy input device transform (IDT).
Log-to-Lin (cineon) Scanned film plates with Cineon-style log encoding. No conversion of the primaries. A single curve is applied to all three RGB channels.
Log-to-Lin (jzp) Scanned film plates with the Josh Pines, or "pivoted", log encoding. No conversion of the primaries. A single curve is applied to all three RGB channels.
Raw Non-color data, such as normal maps, depth maps, etc. No conversion.
scene-linear CIE XYZ Scene-linear values using the CIE 1931 XYZ primaries and a white point of D65. Converted to the rendering primaries.
scene-linear DCI-P3 Scene-linear values using the DCI-P3 primaries and the DCI white point. Converted to the rendering primaries.
scene-linear Rec 709/sRGB Scene-linear values using the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries. Converted to the rendering primaries.
Sony SLog2 Digital camera footage in Sony SLog2 format. Converted to the rendering primaries, after applying the Academy input device transform (IDT).
sRGB Images encoded with the sRGB primaries and gamma. Converted from the Rec. 709/sRGB primaries to the rendering primaries, after applying a single curve on all three RGB channels.