If you always want access to the same set of FBX options when exporting files, you can create a custom set of options to display in the Game Exporter.
- Switch to the Animation Clips tab to create a preset for exporting animation, or the Model tab to create a preset for exporting a mesh.
- In the Game Exporter toolbar, click .
- In the Create Preset window that appears, enter a name for the new preset.
This is the name that will appear in the preset drop-down list at the top of the Game Exporter.
- Use the Template field to select the basic set of options you want to start with in your preset, then click Ok.
Note: By default, you can choose the Model Default or Anim Default preset as your template. To add your own presets to be used as templates, save them in the default directory (..\maya\<version>\presets\attrPresets\gameFbxExporter).
- Set all export options the way you want them for this preset, then either complete the export operation (click Export), or close the Game Exporter.
The export options you have set are saved within the preset, and this preset is saved along with your scene. The next time you open the scene, your preset is still available in the Game Exporter.
Note: To use the same preset in another scene, click
to save the preset to disk. You can then click
in a new scene to reload that preset in the
Game Exporter.