Edit > Keys > Scale Keys

Scales the current keys using the settings in the Scale Keys Options window.

Select Edit > Keys > Scale Keys > to open and edit the Scale Keys Options.

Scale Keys Options


Select one of the following options:


Sets that only the selected object’s keys are scaled.


Sets that the keys from all objects are scaled, including objects that you can’t select from the scene view (such as construction history nodes).


Specifies how the keysets from a hierarchy of grouped or parented objects are scaled.


Sets that the keyset to be scaled includes only the animation curves of the selected object. Selected is on by default.


Sets that the keyset to be scaled includes the animation curves of the selected object and all the objects below it in the hierarchy. Below is off by default.


Specifies which channel’s (keyable attributes) animation curves are included in the keyset to be scaled.

All Keyable

Sets that the keyset to be scaled includes the animation curves of all the keyable attributes from the selected object. All Keyable is on by default.

From Channel Box

Sets that the keyset to be scaled includes only the animation curves of those channels currently selected in the Channel Box. From Channel Box is off by default.

Control Points

Sets that the keyset to be scaled includes all the animation curves of a selected deformable object’s control points. Control points include NURBS control vertices (CVs), polygonal vertices, and lattice points. Control Points is off by default.


Sets that the keyset to be scaled includes the animation curves of a selected object’s shape node as well as its transform node. Typically, when you directly select an object in the scene view, only the object’s transform node is selected.

To scale the animation curves of the object’s shape node as well as its transform node, turn Shapes on. To scale the animation curves of the object’s transform node only, turn Shapes off. Shapes is on by default.

Time Range

Specifies the time range of the keyset’s animation curves. Select from the following options:


Sets no limit on the time range.


Sets a time range from Start Time to End Time.

Time Slider

Sets a time range defined by the Playback Start and End times of the Time Slider.

Start Time

Sets the start of the time range. Start Time is only available when Start/End is on.

End Time

Sets the end of the time range. End Time is only available only when Start/End is on.


Select one of the following options:


Applies multipliers to the selected range for time and value. This also sets a pivot point from which the scaling takes place on each axis.

When on, the animation is scaled without affecting the curves of the animation before and after the specified range. Also, the keys and animation curve segments adjacent to the scaled region are shifted in time by the amount the scaled range has been compressed or expanded, and their shapes are preserved.


Compresses or expands the selected range to fit in the range specified by the New Start/End Times fields.

Only Scale Specified Keys

When on, Scale Keys only affects selected keys. When off, Scale Keys affects all keys.

Time Scale/Pivot

Sets the time multiplier. The first field sets the value that multiplies all the times of the keyset. The second field sets the pivot point from which the scaling takes place.

Tip: You can cut the duration of a range of animation in half using the Time Scale/Pivot option.
Value Scale/Pivot

Sets the value multiplier. The first field sets the value that multiplies all the values of the keyset. The second field sets the pivot point from which the scaling takes place.

New Start/End Times

Sets the time range into which the keyset is compressed or expanded. New Start/End Times is only available when Start/End is on.