Edit all objects on a layer at once

To... Do this

Show the Layer Editor.

Select Display > UI Elements > Channel Box/Layer Editor, or click the Show or hide the Channel Box/Layer Editor button in the Status Line (toolbar).

Set the pop-up menu to Display.

Show or hide a layer.

Click the left column next to the name of the layer.

A “V” in the box means the layer is visible.

Cycle the layer’s display type between normal, reference, and template.

Click the middle column next to the name of the layer to cycle through three values:

A blank box means the layer is normal.

A “T” means the layer is templated.

An “R” means the layer is reference.

Change the wireframe color of all objects on a layer.

Double click the layer in the Layer Editor.

In the Edit Layer window, the Color drop-down list contains the Index and RGB options. Choose Index and click a color. Choose RGB, and then single or double-click the color box to pick a color from the Color Chooser.

The Attribute Editor for a layer contains additional, seldom-used attributes in addition to the settings available in the layer window.

To show the Attribute Editor for a layer, select the layer in the Layer Editor and select Layers > Attributes.

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